Born 1927. Father journalist, grandfather editor of The Church Times. The Dark family owned what has become Lord’s cricket ground. Educated locally until mother decided to send him to Italia Conti School, but grandfather vetoed that. Tried to get a job at Ealing, where they offered him a job in the camera department, but grandfather vetoed that. Sent to Wellington School, but sent out of that. Thanks to Jack Whitehead got a job at Shepherd’s Bush in the Sound Department as loader in 1942, wages £2 a week. He then graduated into the Dubbing department, joined the ACT through Charlie Wheeler; called up into the King’s African Rifles and learned to speak Swahili. On demob came back, but no work so decided to return to Kenya where he worked for Allops Breweries 1953. With the “Mau Mau” troubles starting returned to the UK, and set up Press and General Research Agency in Fleet Street, overstretched himself and the company folded. Wrote to Charlie Wheeler asking about getting his “ticket” [his union card] back. Charlie suggested that as he wasn’t keen on the Sound Dept. why not the Production Department? He managed to get a job with Rank’s Screen Audiences (cinema commercials) and then he moved to Walton Studios as Second Assistant Director on Sailor of Fortune, a TV series. He then joined Vernon Sewell as First Assistant and tells some amusing stories about working with him. He then goes on to talk about Ferry to Hong Kong (Lewis Gilbert) and how they built their own studio out there which was designed by John Stoll; he goes on to tell some amusing incidents with Orson Welles on Ferry to Hong Kong, Casino Royale. He then became Associate Producer with Lewis Gilbert on Light up the Sky (Tommy Steele); He then talks about Jason and the Argonauts, Seventh Dawn (1963), with various other films and projects, moving on to Paramount.
Continues on about Paramount where he did a three-year stint working on Half a Sixpence (Tommy Steele), and about a musical version of Roman Holiday which was never made. His final film with Paramount was a half hour comedy, Bachelor of Arts. He then talks about The Land that Time Forgot, and then about the problems of independent producers. He rejoined Lewis Gilbert to make Shirley Valentine, and now they are completing Stepping Out, which stars Liza Minelli. He then goes on talking generally about his experiences over the years, and the people who have influenced his life, and about his feelings on ACTT.