Beginning during his National Service with British Forces Broadcasting in Trieste from 1947 to 1949, Brian then joined BBC as a trainee TV Producer/Director in 1952, having previously completed an English degree at Essex College Oxford and being involved with the Oxford University Dramatic Society. After the BBC he moved to ATV (Associated Television) as a Light Entertainment Producer in 1956, then was persuaded by Howard Thomas to go to ABC (Associated British Corporation) TV as the youngest Programme Controller in 1960. He moved up the management structure and stayed through the merger with Rediffusion (which created Thames TV) until 1974 when he joined LWT (London Weekend Television) as deputy Managing Director. He stayed at LWT, overseeing the company through two eventful decades and several franchise renewals, until retiring as MD and Chief Executive in 1994. Brian has also been involved in the setting up of Channel Four, Superchannel and the Oracle Teletext service during his time at LWT.